We heard from attendees to our Youth events over the past year. 
Lopa outlined the highlights being a site visit to Otago University at Wellington hospital radiation therapy learning to be very particular with perfectionist masks turning then from soft to hard. 
Kara and Michaela went to Auckland University with another 168 year 13s.  There were 13 academic modules including Robotics and food tech their particular favourites. 
Kara and Eva talked about giving back to Rotary and the last year of Interact.
Grace Day talked about Rotary Youth Leadership Award. 
Innovative Young Minds - Lopa Mistry
A programme to enspire women at a week long camp with 50 women with an interest in STEM topics.  Lopa outlined the highlights being a site visit to Otago University at Wellington hospital radiation therapy learning to be very particular with perfectionist masks turning then from soft to hard.  Lopa also liked testing in the Lab research department and the pathology lab where Lopa learnt how diseases affect your internal organs.  Lopa also showed us how she learned to be surgeon doing stitches on a banana!  Lopa also visited Callaghan Innovation and explained how they are making vaccines that could change NZ's response to vaccines.  Other highlights were chemical testing and 3D processing.  If it isn't obvious so far the outcome is that there are a multitude of opportunities in STEM, but untimately it is about the collaboration among women and bringing ideas together to help solve things like climate change outcomes. 

Science Forum
Kara and Michaela went to Auckland University with another 168 year 13s.  There were 13 academic modules including Robotics and food tech their particular favourites.  They had the weekends off to explore Auckland but also enjoyed the tech visits and the medical school.  The Formal dinner at the Grand Plaza Hotel was a highlight as it was an opportunity to mix with other like minded people.  Thank you for this experience of a lifetime
Interact - Kara and Eva
Talked about giving back to Rotary and the last year of Interact.  They enjoyed the badging for our small group recognising the work we had done. The biggest project was a Movie night raising $500 for the Homeless Women’s Trust to buy items for departure packs for women leaving the Trust. Support from companies was offered making donations for the packs.  Interact is bigger this year with 60 people attending.  

RYLA - Grace Day
Talked about Rotary Youth Leadership Award.  Grace outlined that she learnt about how she works and how to direct her ideas and thoughts to work with others.  She discussed connectons she made between workshops and activies putting ideas into practice.  Energy was high which will help for keeping in touch with other attendees and developing a strong support network.  
Grace used an example of putting herself outside of her comfort zone with the talent show at the end where she did finger painting giving her the confidence to be a leader and have fun, changing the way she sees the world. 

Nga mihi to all our wonderful speakers today.