One of us....Karen Holland

Another of our inspirational members - Karen Holland.
Karen has been a Rotary member for six months and gave a moving presentation about her life and who she is. She is married to Duncan and they have four children and one grandchild. She is currently the manager of the Soup Kitchen at The Home of Compassion but concentrated a lot in her speech on the years leading up to her current occupation.
She has had many different occupations . She was 30 when she married and has spent 20 years as a full-time parent. One of her sayings was learn to bloom where you are planted although she struggled as to who and what she was. When she accompanied Duncan to functions she was frequently asked " how old are your children" but she wanted to cover other aspects, the most important aspect being that she was a full-time caregiver. She also admitted that actually I'm a kept woman and men would reply don't mention that to my wife.
Eventually she studied a diploma in pastoral leadership and got full time job in Newtown at a Catholic Church. She was there for nine years as a lay pastoral leader helping to build a vibrant community, and paving ways so that others could thrive. She worked hard to meet their expectations but eventually she felt burned out and resigned.
Duncan offered her a job in his company but she received a call from the CEO of the Home of Compassion who offered her a role as temporary manager of the soup kitchen for three months. She then applied for the role as manager of the soup kitchen which was granted. The soup kitchen provides nutritious breakfasts and dinners six days a week for men and women and children. They also provide a hand in helping the people to get jobs and homes. They are large and effective volunteer program, with no government donations. They turn no one away and in the last six months have provided 10,000 breakfasts and 17,500 dinners.
Karens new motto...