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Feb 26, 2025 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Our speaker for our business breakfast meeting on 26 February 2025 is Hon. Nicola Willis Minister of Finance, Minister for the Public Service, Deputy Leader of the National Party.
The Rotary Clubs of Port Nicholson and Karori, with sponsorship support from The Professionals Wellington City & Suburbs, warmly invite you to join us for breakfast at the Wellington Club on Wednesday 26 February at 7am. Nicola Willis became a List MP following Stephen Joyce’s departure from Parliament in 2018. She had previously worked as a senior adviser to Prime Minister John Key and in the corporate sector where she held senior management roles in dairy giant Fonterra. Nicola and her husband Duncan Small have four children and they live in Karori. Please register for yourself and any guests by Friday 14 February, with details of any dietary requirments, so that we can advise attendance information to the Wellington Club. Please note the early registration date. We hope you can join us for this event. Numbers are limited to 100 so guarantee your place by registering early. The function cost for this event is $27.50 including breakfast (this is different to our normal meeting as there will be no discount if you choose not to have breakfast). Members will be billed for both their registration and their guests at $27.50 per person. Non members please make payment to RCPN Account 03-0502-0132476-00 with your name and "Business Breakfast" as the reference. |
Mar 05, 2025 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Kia Ora,
We would love for you to join us in celebrating the determination, resilience, and community-mindedness of our selected finalists on March 5th at Te Papa. Hurry! Ticket purchases must be made by 21 February. Please ensure payment for your ticket(s) is directed to the Rotary Club of Port Nicholson's charitable trust bank account: 03-0502-0407484-000, using your name and ‘Goalsetters’ in the reference field. Please then notify Mike that you are coming, by emailing him at We look forward to seeing you there! |
Mar 07, 2025 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Mar 12, 2025 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM